
24th EIPM Annual Purchasing Conference 

Мероприятие прошло

2-3 сентября 2020

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24-ая Международная Конференция EIPM (Европейский Институт Менеджмента Закупок)

Тема конференции EIPM: 5th Generation Purchasing

Конференция пройдет 2 и 3 сентября 2020 в Париже.

Описание от организаторов:

Over the past years EIPM has investigated how Purchasing organisations evolve to best respond to the current changes in industry and society. More than ever, as Purchasing leaders, we are expected to deliver on multiple fronts. We are seated on a nexus of tensions and contradictions that make our work challenging, fascinating and essential.
Indeed, most of us need to:
- excel at both efficiency and innovation,
- leverage digital tools and strategic conversations,
- master standardisation and personalisation,
- provide results on both cost and sustainability performance,

In this context, one-size-fits-all approaches are irrelevant, adaptability is of utmost importance.

We need to concurrently operate different ways of working to address diverse situations. And we need to be able to move swiftly from one to another as the world evolves around us. With leading practitioners we have created a new framework that puts the pace of change at the heart of how we deliver on varied objectives and get things done.

This framework describes six work modes that Purchasing Organisations need to master. Our 2020 Conference explores how these work modes are implemented.

Подробнее: https://www.eipm.org/event/24th-eipm-annual-purchasing-conference/

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